Monday, February 25, 2008

Setting up Skype

Well to date we have been unable to get the phone piece of WebEx to work, mainly because WebEx's offering of telephone providers in India is small to say the least. But we are not to be deterred, so we are moving on to the next technology. This evening I signed up for the Skype service. It took me about 10 minutes to download the software and get it totally setup. The most difficult piece was trying to find a variation of my name that made a logical choice as a username. Using Skype and assuming we are all able to maintain our internet connections we should finally be able to make voice contact within our group. So, checkout the website and get started. I mean, come on look at how happy those people are in the pictures how can think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread (although neither one of these people, seen in a picture on the Skype's website, seems to have an internet connection at the moment).

1 comment:

Hannes Hapke said...

Check out the link
It goes through all steps to set up a telephone conference.